Summer Reading

Well, it is officially not summer for a couple more days but I have chosen some of the books I would like to read this summer. The books can be seen in the above photo.
I have divided the books into 2 stacks. One stack, on the left, is my fiction stack and the other, on the right, is my non-fiction stack. I tend to read non fiction in the morning. I am currently reading Becoming the Woman I Want To Be by Donna Partow. I also like to read non fiction during the day sometimes if I have a free moment or I am supervising my kids and their friends swimming in our pool. The fiction books are my evening-bedtime reading choice.
My boys have been out of school for a week and a half now. Last week I began a reading schedule with them. We went to the library on Monday and each of us checked out 2 books. They are reading for 30 minutes every day before lunch. After lunch they have a choice to read for 30 more minutes, write in a journal, or practice their instrument.
So far our schedule is working out well. We have had a couple of days where there was and afternoon appointment or something we had to do so we didn’t get the 30 minutes after lunch in. One of my 12 year old boys (I have twins) has read 2 chapter books so far and my older son, who is 15, has finished one book. I also have finished one book. I had started reading Somewhere Along The Way by Jodi Thomas a couple of weeks before we began this schedule. I finished the book about 5 days ago. It was a very enjoyable read. Now I am on to reading Speak No Evil by Allison Brennan. I got this book from the library a week ago. I learned about it from Goodreads. So far I am about 95 pages into the book and like it.
I also like to listen to audio books while I cook, drive, knit or sew. I am currently listening to Love Kills by Edna Buchanan. It is a mystery and suspense type of novel. The library is a great place to find lots of wonderful audio books.
So, what are you reading this summer? Let me know by leaving a reply.
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