Cork Tile and Denim Project
I got the idea for making this project from pinterest. Here is my pin for the project. The project is just an image and does not link to any site or instructions. I thought this was a really cute idea and a great way to organize some things so I made two of them. I am using one on a wall behind my desk and the other on the wall behind my sewing machine.

The photo above was the first one I made. That is the one I am using on the wall behind my desk to hold notes and the pocket holds important info like bills to pay, etc. I was able to clear a basket off my small desk that was holding some of these things and now I have a lot more usable desk space.
This project is so quick and easy to make. You will need:
- cork tiles – 12 x 12 (I got mine at Hobby Lobby)
- old jeans – cut out the pocket
- clothes pins
- glue gun
- washi tape (optional – for clothes pins)
Basically you just figure out where you want your pocket and clothes pins to go and glue them down with a glue gun. You can put the washi tape on the clothes pins after you are done if you want to add some color to them. I guess you could also write on them with permanent marker if you wanted to label them. I chose to hang the first one I made so I cut a strip of denim and glued it to the back of the cork board. I used a small cup hook on the wall to hang it with.

The one above here is the second one that I made and I am using that on the wall behind my sewing machine. This one is very basic. I think the clothes pin clips will be nice for holding pattern instructions or photos of ideas I have to inspire me. The pocket can hold smaller items like a seam ripper, seam gauge or pencils and pens. This one I chose to use the sticky back squares the cork tiles came with and put it on the wall.
Below are the photos of my projects hanging on the wall in my sewing – office room. The photos are not great due to the fact that this room needs better lighting – something I am going to be working on changing soon – and also both areas where the cork tiles hang I have a shelf above that area so it gives a shadow. It gives you the basic idea of how I am using them though.

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