Sewing – Summer Tunic

This is one of my latest summer sewing projects that I finished recently – this navy tunic top. I made this top using Simplicity pattern 1668. Once again it was one of those bargain 99 cent patterns I got from Hobby Lobby a few weeks ago. The pattern can also be made into a dress with a waist tie. So far I have only made the tunic.
I love this top! It is lightweight and comfortable to wear. The size I made, according to my measurements, fits well. Although I think the next time I will scoop out a little more depth for the arm syce area. I prefer for my sleeveless tops to have a little more depth under the arm. I think it is because I have bigger shoulders so I usually need a little more room in this area. Another great thing about this top is it matched my chevron skirt that I also made recently.
The top has a gathered shoulder area and a gathered front that has elastic in the center. The back of the top has a large pleat. See photos below for front and back views:

both items sewn by Kimberlees Korner

This pattern has quite a few pattern pieces but is fairly easy to sew. I would recommend it to anyone with intermediate sewing skills. Sewing the front elastic casing area was a little involved and requires some patience. Also, for the armhole facing I did not use the recommended bias tape – I just made my own from 1.5 inch bias strips.
I made this particular top out of a lightweight broadcloth. I am planning to make another one this summer. I have not decided what color yet – maybe white so it will go with everything.
Currently I am working on a denim upcycle bag made from old jeans. I am hoping to finish it soon so I can post it on my blog in the next week.
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