Tag: P90X3 workout week 5

Working Out Week 6 of 2014

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This week was my completion of week 5 of P90X3.  The schedule was different from the previous weeks.  I would say the intensity has increased with the addition of some of the new dvd’s.  The schedule for the past week and the next two weeks are as follows:

  • Monday – Triometrics
  • Tuesday – The Warrior
  • Wednesday – X3 Yoga
  • Thursday – MMX
  • Friday – Incinerator
  • Saturday – CVX
  • Sunday – Rest or Dynamix

The workouts that were new:  Triometrics, MMX and Incinerator.  Below are my photos from those workouts:

Triometrics wk 5 day 1  Kimberlees Korner


I really liked Triometrics.  It was challenging for sure.  Each move progressed into a more intense version of the move.  I was definitely feeling this in my legs all over when I was done and the next morning.

MMX  wk 5 P90X3  www.kimberleeskorner.com/blog

MMX is a martial arts – kickboxing type of workout.  I really like kickboxing workouts and enjoyed this one a lot.  The time flew by because you were so busy punching, kicking and sprawling.  A great cardio and total body workout.

P90X3 wk 5 Incinerator   www.kimberleeskorner.com/blog

Incinerator was not what I thought it was going to be.  Based on the name I thought it would be some high intensity cardio workout but it was more of an upper body and core workout.  The workout uses dumbbells or resistance bands, a pull up bar, if you have one, or a resistance band attached over a door and you also do lots of variations of push ups.  The reps are not that high so I am thinking I need to up my weight next week.  This past week I used 8 and 12 pound dumbbells.  Next week I am going to try 10 and 15 and see how I do.  I may have to use 8 for some of the tricep exercises.  This is a great strength training workout and I felt it in the back of my arms and shoulders the next day.  Especially since the morning after doing Incinerator I had to do CVX – the cardio workout that uses a dumbbell.

I am also big on motivational quotes and this was mine for the week:

Believe to Achieve  www.kimberleeskorner.com/blog

I will update again next week on the workout program.  I really like all the positive changes I am seeing from doing P90X3 – not just physically but even mentally.  I think a good exercise program and being healthy really does give you a positive mental outlook.  It probably does not happen over night but after a month or two you begin to see all the benefits.

Have a great weekend!
