Workout – Focus T25 Week 2 of Beta Round + ShaunTervention Event
Week 2 of Beta round T25 – Nailed It! This is the completion of week 7 of the overall workout and week 2 of Beta for my challenge group. The workouts are more challenging in this phase and I really like the fact that a couple of them you use weights or the band with handles for resistance. I like all the cardio but also enjoy doing strength training which the 2 workouts, Rip’t Circuit and Upper Focus, have both of those in them.
This photo collage below is from Friday, double workout day. The workouts were Speed 2.0 & Rip’t Circuit. It was a great workout but also kicked my butt. Tons of sweat as seen in the photos.

I am really enjoying the Beta round so far. See my week 1 Beta round post for info on the workouts included in this phase. I think my favorite so far is still Rip’t Circuit followed by Dynamic Core. Below are some of the photos from the week of workouts. I only had time to do a collage for Friday of this past week – the above collage. I had a lot going on with my kids’ schedules this week and doing some new embroidery designs on shirts and towels. A couple of the shirts I embroidered can be seen in the below photos.

Kimberlees Korner

Kimberlees Korner

I was also getting ready for the ShaunTervention event in Frisco, Texas that I attended yesterday, Saturday, Sept. 14th. All I can say is that it was Awesome!
We did a tough workout in the morning around 9:45am that lasted about 45 minutes to an hour. Shaun T gave us a 15 minute break and then we all got small notebooks and a pen to take notes on form – called form PerfecShaun. He explained how form over speed = results. He then went on to explain various exercises like lunges, planks and push ups and proper form. We got to take notes and then do more working out while the ShuanTourage team went around to make sure you were doing them in proper form.
After lunch their was his keynote address which was really positive and motivating. He spoke a little about his background and how he got started in the fitness business. He also talked about living to your best potential and how important it is to the overall quality of your life. There was also a Positivity Index quiz to see what types of people you have in your daily life and how they affect you and you affect them. After the quiz he talked about “Raising Your Bar – What changes can you make to elevate the positivity in you life?” We also received these cool journals that begin each week with a positive affirmation and there is space to write in each day of the week to document your journey into discovering your life and making yourself a priority.
After the keynote there was a Q & A session then we each got a professional photo made with Shaun T. The photos are not available for us yet but hopefully will be later this week. I did take a few photos of his keynote session.

I also met some very nice people there. Two of the ladies I met do Shaun T’s Insanity workout. One of them drove 2 1/2 hours to come to the event.
Overall this was a great event and I am so glad I took my mothers advice and signed up to go. I was nervous about working out in front of so many people as I have not done that since attending a jazzercise session in 1987 with a friend. I always workout at home, on my own, to various dvd’s. This was a big change for me – out of my comfort zone. I am so glad I did it though and proud to say I made it through the workout!
I hope everyone is having a great weekend. I am resting today, Sunday, and looking forward to starting week 3 of Beta T25 tomorrow morning.