T-Shirt Makeover
I recently did a makeover to this basic T-shirt. I tried to wear it the original way but the neck felt too constricting and I wanted this purple T-shirt (for my sons high school marching band) to have a more feminine touch. So, out come the scissors and sewing machine and some creativity!

Kimberlees Korner

This project is very easy and requires basic sewing skills, a sewing machine, 1/8 or 1/4 inch wide elastic and a T-shirt.
Here are the steps to makeover your basic T-shirt:
- Cut off neckband (ribbing), sleeve hems, and lower hem
- Use a chalk pencil and mark each center sleeve, lower side seams and front center down 4 1/2 inches on wrong side of shirt – draw a straight line with chalk from edge of shirt to this mark – this will be your sewing line for the elastic
mark t-shirt on wrong side with chalk pencil and draw a line for sewing guide - Cut 1/8 in. (or 1/4 in.) wide elastic into 3 in. long pieces – you will need to cut 5 of them
elastic cut into 3 in. long pieces - Use a sewing machine set on straight stitch – start at the marked point and stretch elastic and sew to the end
sewing elastic to t-shirt – stretch as you sew from marked point to end - Repeat step 4 for all marked areas: sleeves, lower hem and neckline
- Your T-shirt is Done! Put it on and take a photo!

I also did this to another shirt a while back that is navy. It is harder to see the work in this photo but I love the look of the finished shirt and how it adds something to a plain T-shirt. This navy shirt is actually a mens shirt from Target.

Send me an email at kkg@kimberleeskorner.com with your finished shirt – I would love to see them and feature them on my facebook page.
I hope everyone is having a great day!