EOM Fitness for January 2015
This past month my fitness routine consisted of five or six workout days per week using my Cathe Ripped with Hiit workouts and yoga dvd’s or routines from Yoga Journal magazine that I have saved. I have been alternating the two doing a Hiit workout one day and yoga the next. I have really been enjoying this schedule.

Scheduling your workouts is part of the key to getting them done, in my opinion. If I make a schedule up on Sunday, that is usually a non workout day for me, then I am going to commit myself to getting them done. “It’s not about having time, it’s about making time.” I have seen these words before somewhere and they are very true – everyone is busy these days – even my retired parents and in-laws always seem busy – but you have to make the time and make the commitment to yourself to be more physically active. I know that I always feel better and have more energy on days that I workout.
Another thing I have been doing this past month is watching health documentaries – I know this sounds really boring but they are actually really informative about many things concerning the health of Americans and their diets and I find them interesting. Some of them can be found on Netflix and some I checked out from the library. The video in the photo above, Fed Up, is one I checked out from my local library. A friend of mine recommended it to me. This is a real eye opener about the food industry, how much sugar and artificial ingredients are really in those so called healthy foods you see at the store. This documentary also goes into detail on the health of our children and how many are becoming diabetic at an early age due to poor eating and lifestyle habits.

The other two documentaries that I thought were really informative were Hungry for Change and Fat Sick and Nearly Dead 2. Both of these are on Netflix. If you are wanting to learn more about eating better, juicing, and changing your lifestyle habits to become healthy, lose weight and get off prescriptions, I would advise you to watch these two documentaries. My overall health and eating is good but these documentaries oped my eyes to even more changes I need to make to how I eat and what I eat for it to make a positive impact in my daily life.
For the month of February am thinking of doing my P90X3 workout. I am not going to do the whole three month program again like last year, I am just going to use it mixed with some other workouts for the month of February. I have been doing my Ripped with Hiit and yoga for over a month now so it is time for a change. If I change things up then I don’t get bored – that is another key to making your workouts fun, challenging and keeping you interested in sticking with it. Also, I believe it is a key to seeing results because your body needs a change.
So check back at the end of February for my end of month (EOM) fitness update – of course you can also check back sooner as I will be sharing other posts before the end of February on various things.
Have a great Superbowl weekend!
– Kimberlee
I also alternate HIIT and Yoga, otherwise I get really bored. Kudos to you for watching those health documentaries. They really can be an eye opener, can’t they? Thanks for sharing. Joli
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