Working Out January 2016
The month of January is almost over – it seems like this month went by very fast to me. I have now completed three full weeks of the Hammer and Chisel workout program and started week 4 yesterday. So far I am really liking the program and seeing good results.
The workouts are classified as Hammer workouts or Chisel workouts. Basically you alternate one day of a Hammer workout with Sagi and the next day a Chisel workout with Autumn. I am not sure which workout I like the best so far. I do know that Total Body Hammer, Hammer Conditioning and Total Body Chisel are probably my top three picks as of now. Most of the workouts involve heavy weights at some point in the workout but there are a couple that do not require any weights. I also bought the Deluxe workout dvd’s and this week, week 4, some of those are being incorporated into the workout as an option if you have them. It is nice to change it up a bit.
The workouts are all pretty much an intermediate level form of exercise. They range in time from 26 minutes to 45 minutes, depending on the workout. Some days you add on one of the 10 minute ab workouts after completing the workout for that day – there is a 10 minute Ab Hammer and a 10 minute Ab Chisel workout on each dvd.
There are some great motivational quotes and sayings throughout all the workouts from Autumn and Sagi. One of them from Hammer Plyo workout from Sagi is “Pain is Temporary.” Hammer Plyo is a very intense workout and the quote fits the workout – it is tough but the pain is temporary and the results are worth the effort. Another one from Sagi and Total Body Hammer is “Never Ever Give Up.” A quote from Autumn that I really like is “No one ever got chiseled by sitting on their butt.” This is so true – if you want to get in shape and feel better about yourself you are going to have to put in the effort and time and workout – do something every day to become a healthier person. She also talks in one of the workouts how you have to choose your “hard.” Working out every day is hard but so is being overweight and unhappy about your health – you pick your “hard.”

I have also been trying to use my juicer at least once or twice a week to help me get more fruits and vegetables in my diet. With Hammer and Chisel there is an eating plan you follow and for my plan, plan B, I need to have 4 vegetables a day and 3 fruits. The program comes with the containers to measure your food – as seen in the photo above at the beginning of the post. You really begin to understand portion control and see how much you should be eating per serving whether it is protein, carbs, vegetables, fruits or condiments and dressings. I think that by using the containers and following the eating plan pretty closely the past month plus using the workouts six days a week I have been able to lose inches around my hips and thighs – so far I have lost one inch from each area (hips and thighs) in just one month.
One of the other benefits of the workouts is how much stronger I am getting and I notice I am starting to be able to go up in my weights for some of the exercises. I am looking forward to another month of Hammer and Chisel for February and to see my end results.
What workout are you currently doing? Let me know by leaving a reply.