New-Old Bread Machine
I recently got a new bread machine – my parents brought it to me when they came to visit in October. They got it from a neighbor at a garage sale. I have a bread machine, an Oster, that I bought about 4 years ago but it has been well used and I am not sure how much longer it will last. It sometimes makes some loud squeaking noises when it is kneading the bread. Also, I do not really like how the Oster bakes the bread. I usually just use the dough cycle and make rolls or make my own loaf of bread and bake it in the oven when using the Oster bread machine.

I really like my new-old bread machine. It bakes the bread in there really well. It also makes really nice dough. It had the book with it and even some recipes the previous owner had clipped that were from an early year 2000 magazine. The receipt was even in there and this bread machine is 19 years old! My husband also observed that it was made by the company that makes his welding protection helmet. Interesting…

The size loaf it makes is pretty big – it is a round size. I wasn’t sure I would like that but it seems like it is okay. I forgot to take a photo of a finished loaf before we started devouring it. My whole family loves this new whole grain recipe I made up.
Everyone in my family also loves these garlic rolls I make in the bread machine. They go great with spaghetti or any type of pasta dish. I have made them with just the bread flour or sometimes with part bread flour and part whole wheat pastry flour. Both versions are really good.
I really enjoy making breads and rolls in my bread machine – or I guess bread machines now that I have two of them. The breads I make in the bread machine are usually much healthier than the ones I buy. They do not contain preservatives so you do have to eat them within 4 to 5 days or freeze half your loaf.
I hope you enjoy the recipes. I would love to hear about your experience using a bread machine – click on leave a reply to let me know.